Far Keen Real

Far Keen Real is a podcast that does what it says on the tin; keeps it real. Each episode we chat with real people from mental health professionals to sports legends and everyday people to hear their stories & insights on mental health. for more info & content visit www.farkeenreal.com

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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Dial in on these amazing superstars if you haven't already.
Sometimes growth can come from unexcepted conversations, taking micro changes or baby steps in the right direction, recognising the stories that are playing out in your head, finding the stories that don't serve you, and rewriting them. Being confident enough to step out to find a new community that lines with your values and around people that complement positive change in your life. The importance of Diet, Sleep, Eating habits, and one of my favorite conversations when it comes to mental health tools, Boxing, and the many benefits or gifts Boxing fitness provides. Some of the many topics discussed in this podcast. I greatly appreciate these beautiful humans and what they are achieving in our committee. Enjoy and reach out.
V. https://www.instagram.com/wiebkehnsn/
Ben. https://www.instagram.com/coachkeam/ Good Vibes Boxing.
Who is Christina? 1:30
Who is Ben? 3:05
Personal Transformation. 5:00
Game changers. 7:55
The benefits of Boxing for mental health. 12:45
The power of V. 20:55
Environments, relationships, comfort zones. Events or community. 25:00
Sleep and Morning routine. 45:00
Hating habits. 56:00
Fasting. 59:00
https://www.instagram.com/farkeenreal/ https://www.facebook.com/farkeenreal https://www.tiktok.com/@farkeenreal https://www.linkedin.com/company/farkeenreal/ OUR OTHER LINKS Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/106h13MsIK1GMWNy5LS2VG Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/far-keen-real/id1673713879 TuneIn: https://tunein.com/embed/player/p3545868 Website: https://farkeenreal.com #boxingfitness #mentalhealth #gamechangers

Monday Mar 18, 2024

If you have heard about Ayahuasca and want to know more about the medicine, what benefits Ayahuasca provides, or perhaps you are wanting to embark on an ayahuasca journey and want to learn more about the diet, the ceremony, and what to expect as a first timer. Here you go! Tabatha is a Psychedelic Support counselor for pre and post-integration in plant-based medicine. Graydon and I talked about our recent journey on Aya and the process we went through leading up to the event. We speak about stories of our personal experiences at the 2-day ceremony here in Australia and give information on how to find a safe community and what questions you should ask when exploring.
Other topics. - Plant-based medicine vs modern-day medicine.
- The safety of ayahuasca and what questions to ask when looking for the right community.
- Why would one do ayahuasca and the beautiful experiences the medicine provides.
- Benefits for trauma, depression, and addiction but also for connection, self-love, and creativity.
- Dieting for plant-based medicine ceremony.
- Ayahuasca while being pregnant.
links. Tabitha Farrell Pre & Post Ritual Counsellor, PACFA registered. Tabatha's Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/ritual_counselling Graydon Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/graydon.perrett

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Change, Change, Change..... yes this is a simple topic, but also a topic that we can ALL relate to in one form or another. I could not have asked for better guess to share this topic with than these two beautiful women. Inspiring teachers, healers, and entrepreneurs, these girls are nothing but pure class. if you are looking to change, looking to be inspired, or feeling open to hearing some new points of view around CHANGE then im super stoked to share this amazing podcast with you and for you. enjoy and please remember to share, like, follow, or leave a comment.
Time stamps.
The story we tell ourselves. 3:15
Trusting in the process. 10:00
Growth and change. 15:00
Giving up the drink. 19:30
It's all about you. 29:00
Jen's journey of change. 33:30
How to detach from our story. 39:00
The Story, AGAIN. 47:50
Dave's story of struggle. 49:30
Rayne has left the building. 56:00
Pushing through. 59:45
Acknowledging and owning what you want. 1:11:00
Jen. https://www.jenesismindandbody.com.au/
Rayne. https://www.instagram.com/raynebryantofficial/
FOLLOW US ON https://www.instagram.com/farkeenreal/ https://www.facebook.com/farkeenreal https://www.tiktok.com/@farkeenreal https://www.linkedin.com/company/farkeenreal/ OUR OTHER LINKS Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/106h13MsIK1GMWNy5LS2VG Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/far-keen-real/id1673713879 TuneIn: https://tunein.com/embed/player/p3545868 Website: https://farkeenreal.com #growth #change #changeyourlife

Monday Feb 12, 2024

First of all, a massive thank you to both Dan and Sean for opening up and speaking vulnerably about their personal journeys. Dan is the true definition of legend. Dan gives us insight into the pressures of being a professional athlete, owning a business, and being a supporting loving father. Dan speaks the truth about his mental health battle and tips to help navigate through these storms. The Shaka project is taking off and Sean explains his journey from attempting suicide to now publicly speaking across Australia and supporting mental health. There are some big topics spoken about in this podcast, social anxiety, being on a path that has no meaning, being a modern-day father, and childhood trauma. This podcast just shows that we are never alone with our struggles or ways of thinking, we can all relate to these conversations shared on this podcast. enjoy.
Time stamps.
What is it being a man? 1:45
Being alone alone. 13:45
Sean and the Shaka Project. 26:00
checking in with mates. 34:00
Social anxiety. 43:40
Sean's mental health journey. 57:00
How roofless out own brain can be. 1:17:00
Putting self as number one. 1:23:00
https://www.instagram.com/the_shaka_project/ https://www.instagram.com/danieltherockdawson/
https://www.instagram.com/farkeenreal/ https://www.facebook.com/farkeenreal https://www.tiktok.com/@farkeenreal https://www.linkedin.com/company/farkeenreal/ OUR OTHER LINKS Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/106h13MsIK1GMWNy5LS2VG Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/far-keen-real/id1673713879 TuneIn: https://tunein.com/embed/player/p3545868 Website: https://farkeenreal.com #wellness #buildingcommunities #mensmentalhealth

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

This Podcast starts off with a bang, the first podcast for 2024, and these discussions get Far Keen Real. There is an awakening happening in all areas, Mental health, spirituality, and as a collective looking beyond the day-to-day hassle of everyday life. This podcast is jammed with a range of different topics and spoking from 4 different perspectives and walks of life. We learn more about Chilly Willys, Cold Nips and what brought these boys to serve better mental health in the community.

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

If you are looking to do or find out more information about 9D breathwork then here you go. I have been fortunate enough to experience 9D breathwork many times and in my personal journey, this has been one of the most powerful tools iv come across. To be given the opportunity to share this podcast with you guys makes me so happy. For anyone looking to embark on a new journey, whether it is healing from trauma, guilt, and shame, looking to reprogram new thoughts or habits, or just wanting to get some clarity, this is 100% something you need to explore. in this podcast, we break down the walls of the unknown and shine a light on all the questions people might have before diving into 9D breathwork. 5min 9D down-regulation breathwork. Best done with headphones. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SvcEZQZZW5ycH67ABl1dFq1GA_EUNS8A/view?usp=drive_link Time Stamps. Safety in Breathwork. 11:20 How does 9D breathwork work? 13:00 Releasing Trauma. 15:00 David talks about releasing his trauma. 17:55 What id 9D breathwork? 20:40 The scream. 27:05 Steve's Journey into Breathwork. 28:10 Guilt and Shame. 33:55 Getting the why. 35:10 Bryce and Steve sharing 9D breathwork with there fathers. 44:00 UESTS Steve Sharpe. https://www.instagram.com/steve.sharpe23/ LEARN MORE ABOUT The Breathwork code.https://www.instagram.com/thebreathcode_/ FOLLOW US ON https://www.instagram.com/farkeenreal/ https://www.facebook.com/farkeenreal https://www.tiktok.com/@farkeenreal https://www.linkedin.com/company/farkeenreal/ OUR OTHER LINKS Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/106h13MsIK1GMWNy5LS2VG Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/far-keen-real/id1673713879 TuneIn: https://tunein.com/embed/player/p3545868 Website: https://farkeenreal.com #transformation #buildingcommunities #mensmentalhealth #9Dbreathwork #breathwork

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

This podcast is a great example of men actively contributing to their communities. We all come from different walks of life and experience life in different ways, but this podcast highlights how we are all connected and share all the same highs and lows in life.
We talk about how important it is to make ourselves a priority. This way, our workplaces, our friends, our partners, and our kids get the best version of us.
Liam talks about his work with Amend Movement and Ryan shares his experiences with the Brotherhood Awakening. They emphasise that we are only at the very beginning of great things to come in terms of events and movements we are all creating for better mental health within our communities.
What a great example of great men leading the way! This podcast will leave you inspired.

Monday Nov 13, 2023

This podcast is jam-packed with greatness. To begin, we delve into IGNITE — a men's fitness group session that welcomes individuals of all ages, sizes, fitness levels, and walks of life to join.
The Human Allegiance brings these men together for a workout, ice bath, and concludes with an open circle to discuss their takeaways from the day and how such experiences benefit their mental health. What these men do is a great starting point for those seeking change and wanting to be part of a new community.
We also discuss silent retreats, psychedelics, and the benefits of plant-based medicine in treating trauma and improving mental health. We delve into the importance of fatherhood and how our well-being as men impacts our families and those around us.
Like I said, we cover a lot in this podcast, so buckle up; we're going deep.

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

With the passing of my grandfather, I wanted to open this podcast up for a raw conversation about the experience of loss or losing someone close to you. We all go through this at some point in our lives, and as with all discussions related to mental health, it's important to emphasise that it's perfectly acceptable to share our feelings and emotions regarding loss. We are taking this opportunity to show love and support among family and friends during times of grief.
In this episode, we delve into our personal experiences with ayahuasca. Ayahuasca has played a significant role in my personal journey of growth, healing, and delving deeper into my spiritual life.
Stu opens up and shares his journey, which includes transitioning from being a teenage skater to becoming a part of the rave scene and how a drug overdose changed his life. It's often during these dark times that we find the light to a better path. In many cases, surrendering to the situation and allowing it to be an opportunity to learn, grow, or be shown a better way. This can be a gift from grief.
Throughout the episode, Cam, Stu, and I discuss various avenues such as yoga, meditation, making new friends, and finding a supportive community. It was such a pleasure to see the love that these boys have for one another. Enjoy.

Thursday Oct 12, 2023

This podcast gets juicy right from the get-go. With Bec as a Sexologist and Tracy as a Molecular Biologist, there is nothing left on the table when talking about the topic of Sex.
What sex looks like in the modern era, its impact on our mind and body, our relationship with ourselves, the healthy roles of men, and what it means when we discuss females serving males. And most importantly, what we might be missing out on in the bedroom?
We delve into topics such as mastering orgasm, breathing techniques that can be used with your partner, addressing issues related to masturbation, and exploring the reasons behind the increasing prevalence of erectile dysfunction among our young men. We also touch upon semen retention, ways to spice up relationships, and a recurring theme in many of my podcasts - the experience of being alone.
There's so much more packed into this podcast, so get ready! Both Tracy and Bec are amazing, and I personally gained so much from shooting this episode. It's just one of many more to come. Follow these girls on their podcast – Sticky Fingers.

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